Christensen been making black and white pieces since 2003. He uses the technique of sgraffito, incorporating his sculptural background and renewed interest in altering the thrown form. The work is narrative, specifically illustrated, sometimes spiritual, often funny, and understandable… They are about the times in which we live, and the challenges of living in a time in which we are divorced from the natural world around us. His work is meant to be appreciated by those who know a lot or a little about porcelain or art, and is made with the hopes that some of these pots will survive longer than himself or the culture in which we live, and will still be as relevant then as now.

The artist lives near the coast in eastern Maine and has done most of his work in the last few years in a tiny off-the-grid cabin in Roque Bluffs. Christensen says, “My time there is magical, the stillness seductive. I also work at the new house my partner and I built in Franklin. The hustle and bustle of family life provide plenty of incentive for focus, and I believe sharpens my work”.